Terms and Conditions

All Sales Are Final

No Exchanges - No Refunds

You are purchasing pay-per-view sports analysis which is not subject to any return policy as all sales are final. The opinions expressed by the analyst(s) from whom you made the purchase(s) has no warranty and is not guaranteed in terms of any type of performance.

Users must be 21 or older.

All information on at this site is for newsmatter and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to be used in any direct or indirect violation of local, state, federal or international law(s).

Any use of information and recommendations provided at this site is at a user's sole discretion and this site is not liable for any losses or damages incurred either directly or indirectly.

All the handicappers are real. However, the true identities and bios of most of the handicappers at this site are protected for safety and privacy purposes.

All information contained on or within this website and its affiliated emails and/or newsletters cannot be rebroadcast, reproduced, or retransmitted in whole or in part in any manner - either in print form or electronically via the Internet, including but not limited to other Internet sites, newsgroups, posting boards, message boards, and forums, etc., - without the written prior consent of this website.

Any and all violations of this policy will result in the immediate termination of customer's account with no refund for any portion of unused service originally purchased.

Although this site might contain links to other Internet sites, we are not responsible for any content, claims, solicitations or email/privacy policies at those sites.



We value your patronage and respect your privacy rights. As part of the normal operation of our services, we collect and, in some cases, may disclose information about you. We have created the following Privacy Policy to let you know what information we collect when you visit our web site, why we collect it, and how it is used. This Privacy Policy applies to all information that you provide to us and that we maintain electronically, whether you provide the information through our websites, or through other means. Additionally, this Privacy Policy applies to any Personal Information (defined below) obtained from your use of the Site. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any information that you may provide to third parties; for example, other sites linked to this Site. You should contact such third parties directly to determine their respective privacy policies.

This Privacy Policy is governed by our Term and Conditions. We may periodically make changes to this Privacy Policy. When this Privacy Policy is changed, modified or amended, the revised Privacy Policy will be posted on this Site. It is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy frequently and remain informed about any changes to it, so we encourage you to visit this page often. If you believe we have not adhered to this Privacy Policy or if you have any other questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at Customer Service.


In order to be eligible to use the Site, You must be at least twenty one (21) years of age or older. We do not currently market to or create special areas for use by minors. Accordingly, we do not knowingly collect age identifying information, nor do we knowingly collect any Personal Information from children under the age of 13 years. However, we hereby advise all visitors to our site under the age of 13 not to disclose or provide any Personal Information on our website. In the event that we discover that a child under the age of 13 has provided Personal Information to us, in accordance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (please see the Federal Trade Commission’s website at www.ftc.gov/kidzprivacy for more information about this Act), we will delete the child’s Personal Information from our files to the extent technologically possible.


We collect and maintain a variety of Personal Information about you to enable us to provide you with the best service. "Personal Information" is information about you by which you may be identified. We currently collect Personal Information through e-mail and the various online inquiry forms on the Site. The Personal Information we collect and maintain about you includes:

your name,

your phone number (optional)



CC (optional)

We only collect Personal Information that you voluntarily provide to us or voluntarily provide to our Partners (defined below) who share that information with us. We also use your Personal Information for other things that may include, but are not limited to, the following:

Correspondence and Interactions

We communicate via e-mail. We reserve the right to contact you regarding your Personal Information; such as password reminders and technical support; respond to your online inquires; tell you about products and services provided by this Site, our Partners and other affiliates; and notify you of the Sites daily free picks and discount coupons.

You receive emails containing this Site's daily free picks, discount coupons and new services and special offers because you either:

Chose to subscribe to the Free Pick Email at this Site.
Made a purchase from one of the handicappers advertised at this Site.
Requested free information at this Site.
Signed up on a site that we sponsor or advertise on, and/or requested information from sponsors or advertisers on that site.
Each time you interact with our Site, the details of your interaction are collected and retained. We intend to retain any correspondence, including facsimiles, mail and e-mails, sent to us or sent using the "Contact" links at any of the handicapper sites advertised at this Site. We also may retain correspondence such as customer service e-mails from us to you. We may delete such records over time.

Use of IP Address

IP addresses are numbers that are automatically assigned to your computer, and, if associated with other individually identifiable information, could be considered personal information. Your user IP address information is used only for our internal tracking purposes.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are a standard technology used by commercial web services to store small pieces of information on your hard drive by sending a small string of text to your browser. They make your use of this Site more pleasing and efficient by "personalizing" your Site experience and gathering Site statistical data, such as which parts of the Site you have previously visited, what material you downloaded, your Internet provider’s domain name and country, and the addresses of websites you visited immediately before and after our Site. We use cookies in connection with your user name and password so we can deliver purchase information to complete sales transactions and update our affinity program. Our affinity proram allows us to properly reward our customers based on their patronage. Cookies also enable us to tailor the information you receive and to assist our Partners or other third party organizations with whom we have strategic alliances by identifying you as our customer or Site user. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, unless you have configured yours not to accept them. You may elect to refuse cookies, and they are not required to browse our site for information that is provided free of charge. However, in order for us to provide you with the full services on our Site, your browser must accept cookies, as they are essential for site administration and security. We do not use cookies either to collect individually identifiable information or to collect non-individually identifiable information using a cookie that is combined with a personal identifier.


"General Information" is information about you or your activities on our Site that do not identify you personally. When you use the Internet, your web browser or software may communicate certain information to the host website you visit. This information may include the unique number assigned to your server or Internet connection, the capabilities and features of your computer, you geographic location, your movement and activity within a particular website and the site you came from prior to visiting our Site. We collect the same information on our Site. We use this General Information to generate statistics about visitors to our Site.


The information we collect is used to (i) to respond to your inquiries; (ii) provide customer services and resolve any complaints; (iii) improve the Site and service and resolve any technical problems; (iv) communicate with you concerning the services offered on the Site by us or any of our Partners; (v) cross-reference with other Personal Information that we have acquired about you or may acquire about you through other sources; (vi) create aggregate data; (vii) ensure compliance with the Site Terms and Conditions; and (viii) comply with any applicable laws and regulations.

We may provide your information to government officials and agencies as required by law, and Partners as part of business operations, transaction processing, and marketing efforts, as identified below. For purposes of this Privacy Policy, "Partner" shall mean any person or entity with whom we enter into any kind of business transaction who is under an obligation to us to use reasonable care to keep Personal Information confidential.


Except as provided in this Privacy Policy, we will not sell, trade, or disclose to third parties any Personal Information obtained by us through this Site or from our Partners about you, without your consent. We may disclose Personal Information (i) to companies that help process the transactions you request, in order to protect your transactions from fraud and verify your identity; (ii) that we in good faith believe is necessary or appropriate to cooperate in investigations of fraud, intellectual property infringements or other activity that is illegal or may expose us or you to legal liability, or to conduct investigations of violations of the Site Terms and Conditions; (iii) when required by law or to comply with a court order, subpoena, search warrant or other legal process; (iv) to comply with legal, regulatory or administrative requirements of governmental authorities (including, without limitation, requests from the governmental agency authorities to view your Personal Information); (v) to protect and defend us, our subsidiaries and affiliates and any of their officers, directors, employees, attorneys, agents, contractors and partners, in connection with any legal action, claim or dispute; (vi) to prevent imminent physical harm; (vii) to share aggregated statistical or demographic data with our affiliates, business partners or for public relations (this aggregated information is not tied to Personal Information); (viii) to provide data, including Personal Information about you, with our parent, affiliates, subsidiaries and Partners; (ix) to sell or otherwise provide to third parties in the event of a bankruptcy or liquidation; and (x) to sell or otherwise provide to third parties in the event of a future merge or acquisition by another company. In the event we merge or are acquired by another company, the successor company will have access to your Personal Information in order to continue to provide services, but would continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy unless and until it is amended as described in the subsection labeled "Changes to this Privacy Policy" below.


We offer secure web pages to collect certain kinds of user information and we store certain kinds of data in encrypted form. We follow reasonable technical and management practices to help protect the confidentiality, security and integrity of data stored on our system. Although no computer system is completely secure, we believe the measures implemented on our Site reduce the likelihood of security problems to a level appropriate to the type of data involved.


We generally keep user data on our server or in our archives for as long as we reasonably need it. We may alter this practice according to changing requirements. For example, we may delete some data if needed to free up storage space. We may keep other data for longer periods if the law requires it. In addition, information posted in a public forum could stay in the public domain indefinitely.

Data management requests are administered in an orderly manner to the extent feasible and within our direct control. Please note that we have greater control over recently collected data than over archived data. Once data is removed from the system and archived, it may not be feasible to accommodate specific requests. In those cases, our general data retention policy applies.


If you do not want us to share your Personal Information with our Partners for marketing purposes, or if you do not want to receive certain communications and offers from us you can "opt out" of such sharing, communications and offers by visiting customer service. In addition, all emails from this Site contain a clearly defined opt-out link.

If you believe that any Personal Information collected by us about you is not correct or has changed, please send an e-mail message to customer service explaining the correction or change and providing any relevant confirmation or reference number.


All information contained on or within this Site and its affiliated emails and/or newsletters cannot be rebroadcast, reproduced, or retransmitted in whole or in part in any manner - either in print form or electronically via the Internet, including but not limited to other Internet sites, newsgroups, posting boards, message boards, and forums, etc., - without the written prior consent of this Site. Any and all violations of this policy will result in the immediate termination of your account with no refund for any portion of unused service originally purchased.


By using this Site, you agree to this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to change, modify or amend this Privacy Policy at any time. When this Privacy Policy is changed, modified or amended, the revised Privacy Policy will be posted on this Site. Any revised Privacy Policy will only apply prospectively to Personal Information collected or modified after the effective date of the revised policy. It is your responsibility to periodically check and review our Privacy Policy for changes.